Breves testimonios de alumnos seleccionados por profesores, sobre su experiencia de las clases virtuales.
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“Hi, I’m Octavio Ortiz, I’m 12 years old and I’m going to talk about my Junior 1 class. In my class we interact very much: first the teacher shows us the lesson for the day and if we have any questions about a word, we ask her. It is a very fun way to learn and, in my case, I love it!!!”.
Octavio Ortiz.
Junior 1. Teacher Sissi.
“Hello, my name is Paolo, my teacher is Giordano. I like virtual classes, I think they are very useful, fun and that we continue learning. I feel that not much has changed. Bye!”
Teacher Giordano.
“Hello, I am Sofía Valentina, I am 11 years old and I am an Anglo student from Junior 1. My teacher is Alicia, aka Sissi. I find it very interesting to study English because it can open up many opportunities in life. I also really like our class, my teacher and my classmates. Unfortunately, now we can’t have face to face classes, but still, I like virtual classes because of how we all interact, I have a great time in them!”.
Sofía Valentina
Junior 1. Teacher Sissi.
“Hello, my name is Facundo, I am in Teen 5. My teacher is Giordano. I like virtual classes because they are really easy to access, you only have to click on the link or just enter the ID and the password. I like the lessons and I hope we continue with this method!”
Teen 5. Teacher Giordano.
“I’m Sabrina, and I’m from Teen 5 and I really like the virtual classes because the teacher’s explanations are great!”.
Teen 5. Teacher Giordano.